Entrepreneurship and Education

I believe that in every path we tread, we have left a landmark to be emulated by those behind us.

Stanley Kitili

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business. Education is the key to training future leaders and entrepreneurs.

  • We help remove barriers to getting the courses and programs needed for careers.
  • We assist groups or individuals to create a small business to support themselves, their family, and their community as their beginning of financial freedom, security and improved quality of life.
  • Many of the people we partner with have unique skills that can be used to start a small business with just a little help. These ventures are designed to be scalable and replicable.
  • VI Entrepreneurs are encouraged to use their skills, knowledge, and experience to help others in their community start their own entrepreneurial venture.

Entrepreneurship requires skills.

  • Sometimes the first step becoming an entrepreneur is finding the education to build the needed skills.
  • Providing assistance to get those skills is part of the goal of VI.
  • Candidates may apply for assistance by completing a planning document.