ENTREPRENERSHIP CAUSE: Focus on Reflection and Careers

Portfolios are an amazing opportunity for students to reflect on work, set goals and dynamically demonstrate their skills. We are very fortunate to have Bulb Portfolios partner with us to equalize opportunities for our students to demonstrate and share their experiences and skills.

Our objective is for students are to learn and practice:

  • The art of reflecting about their work;
  • Collecting work and describing growth;
  • Documenting learning using easily embedded audio, images, video, and other media;
  • Sharing their progress and receiving feedback;
  • Responding to feedback to improve projects;
  • Reflecting on their possible careers and planning paths towards achieving their goals.
Student writes about how he wants to specialize in computers for a career
Portfolios can help me focus on a career.

What and How:

  • Students need the opportunity to regularly reflect on and rejoice in their work;
  • Many times students don’t value what they can do because they have not verbalized or visualized it;
  • Students often take more pride in work that they organize themselves and present to others;
  • Learning to give and receive feedback to improve work is a critical skill for careers;
  • In applying for higher education or jobs, it is very useful to have a platform in which a student can dynamically demonstrate their strengths with confidence

These are some of the steps we took:

  • Examined sample portfolios and discussed how this might help us set and meet our goals;
  • Wrote to Bulb Portfolios to request partnership;
  • Learned how to log into mybulbapp.
  • Used a template to learn how to create a page.
  • Explored collections and sharing in a group
  • Designated Isaac to be the initial physical facilitator at Childrens Garden, Kenya;
  • Ms. Chromicz would co-facilitate virtually from California.
Collaboration is the key for our success.
Student inserts movie about robotics to reflect.
Portfolios can be used with media to reflect on experiences.

Some Results and Updates

  • Students learned to reflect with visuals and other media;
  • Feedback was given when students shared to the group;
  • Our facilitator at Children’s Garden, Isaac, did an amazing job, and now other coaches will be trained;
  • Our model is to train each participant to be able to lead a new person or group.

NEXT STEPS include:

  • In-person training in Nairobi in February 2023;
  • Identifying and practicing personal safety when publishing online;
  • Using audio to describe work and experiences;
  • Understanding and observing copyright laws;
  • Learning how to find and use non-copyrighted music for videos; (Student video on left will then be published live on this page;
  • Creating bulb portfolio collections that can grow;
  • Partnering to give and receive regular feedback;
  • Ongoing training for portfolio coaches via Zoom with Ms. Chromicz

Pixar Story Xperiential and Childrens Garden


Robotics Partnership Sustainability Demonstrated: (2021-2023)